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Memorial Day Pest Prevention Tips

family enjoying a pest free bbq in rhode island

Pest problems in the spring really become obvious. If your home has been harboring lady bugs or stink bugs over the winter season, you’ll start to notice these pests making their way to your windows and doors, trying to get back out into the sunshine after spending the winter in the cracks and crevices inside your home. Other pests that are starting to become problems this time of year include ants, stinging insects and even termites. With Memorial Day picnics and parties just around the corner, you may be planning for an outdoor gathering at your home. Our New England pest control professionals would like to offer you a few pest prevention tips to make sure your holiday is free from annoying spring pests.

To prevent pests in and around your home this spring and summer, here are our best pest prevention tips:

  1. Cut back tree branches and shrubs. Make sure they don’t touch the exterior of your home because they can act as a bridge for invading pests.
  2. Remove vegetation and shrubs or plants from around the immediate perimeter of your home. We suggest a perimeter of about 18 inches- fill this area with crushed rock or gravel to help prevent pests from having easy access.
  3. Examine the exterior of your property for any possible pest entry areas. Pests will try to get in through cracks and crevices, so make sure these areas are sealed.
  4. Eliminate crumbs and spills whenever they occur; this can help prevent feeding hungry ants.
  5. Keep food in your pantry enclosed in tightly sealed containers.
  6. Never leave pet food out for a long period of time, either inside your home or outside.
  7. Keep trash cans tightly covered; secure with bungee cord if necessary as this will keep away not only small pests like ants but the larger pest problems like wildlife.
  8. Check the exterior of your property for holes in the ground that may make for suitable nesting areas for wasps. These holes can also fill with water after a rainstorm, which could make for good mating grounds for mosquitoes. Either way, holes in the ground are a pest magnet and thus should be filled in.
  9. Remove piles of debris from around your home. Not only do these not look very good, they can provide harborage for many different pests, including spiders and rodents. Don’t forget that a pile of wood like tree branches, brush or even firewood can attract wood destroying pests like termites and carpenter ants onto your property.
  10. Enlist the RI pest control professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions to provide inspections and preventative treatments around your property. We will eliminate any current pest infestations you may have and prevent future pest problems from occurring with our year round home pest control program.

These tips can help make your Memorial Day celebrations go smoothly, allowing your guests to enjoy your home and property without being bugged by bugs!

Our annual program covers most of the common pests we find in RI and consists of three visits per year as well as ongoing monitoring of susceptible areas. For more information on the Home Owner’s Policy, or HOP for short, please contact us today. We also offer pest control in Worcester, Framingham and surrounding Massachusetts areas.
