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Worcester Pest Control Warning: Wood Destroying Insects


It’s officially Spring and while the typical spring weather has not caught up with us yet in New England it won’t be long till the grass is green, the flowers are bloomed and insects and other pests attempt to invade our homes once again. If you aren’t looking forward to the increase in pest activity that comes with this refreshing season you aren’t the only one! The truth is some pests are more of just a pain and nuisance and others that you need to take immediate action against to protect your home and family.

Two types of damaging pests that become active in the spring in Worcester and other parts of New England include the carpenter ant and the termite. Both of these pests are wood-damaging insects that prefer to invade wood that has had previous water damage. Damage from either of these pests can lead to costly repairs for your home and any other wooden structure that is located on your property.

Termites and carpenter ants both destroy structural wood but for different reasons. Termites use the cellulose of the wood that they are tunneling through as a food source for the colony. Carpenter ants also tunnel through wood but do not eat the wood, they just use the tunnels to travel through and nest in. Carpenter ants will forage in your kitchen and other areas of your home for their food sources.

Signs of carpenter ants are generally more obvious than termites. Large black/brownish ants will be seen in and around your home and they will leave piles of sawdust behind as they tunnel. On the other hand, the evidence of termites and their damage is rarely seen early on. Even though they have different reasons for invading and tunneling through your home, both termite damage and carpenter ant damage can significantly weaken the structural integrity of your home over time and lead to very costly repairs.

So it is very clear that both are damaging, but are carpenter ants dangerous? Are termites really dangerous? They are not because they bite or sting humans but because they can weaken the important structures of your home. These damages lead to costly repairs that more times than not are not covered by insurance companies. Preventing either species can be difficult but there are some things that you can do in and around your home to help stop them from choosing your property to invade. Prevention tips for both termites and carpenter ants include:

  • Sealing entry points, especially around your home’s foundation and around utility entrances, pipes, and vents.
  • Keep woodpiles up off of the ground and away from the exterior of your home.
  • Make sure that gutters are in proper working order and be sure that they are directing water away from your home.
  • Fixing the areas found around your home and property that are/will collect stagnant water.
  • Keep food in tightly sealed storage containers or the refrigerator, not out on your counters.
  • Cleaning up spills and crumbs routinely.

Carpenter ants and termites can be very difficult pests to prevent, control, and eliminate. So, in addition to taking precautions yourself, the best way to stop carpenter ants and termites is with Worcester pest control which is geared to control termites and ants. Getting help from a professional pest control company like Big Blue Bug Solutions will ensure that any current problems with pests are safely and quickly eliminated and that steps are taken to prevent future invasions. If you have noticed signs of termites or carpenter ants and are not sure which it is give Big Blue’s pest professionals a call today. You’ll quickly see why so many across New England have trusted our quality pest services for decades!