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Stinging Insects In The Fall

Stinging Insects In Massachusetts

It feels like fall has arrived. Leaves are changing, the nights are definitely cooler and we’re seeing pumpkin-flavored everything in stores. Most people love this time of year- it may be sad to see summer go, but there is definitely something to be said for cool and crisp fall days in New England! In the pest control industry, the end of summer also means that certain pests are no longer a great concern, while other pests become more of a problem. Stinging insects are one of those pests that become a little more concerning in the fall. Their populations are at their peak and they become more noticeable around your home, especially if you have a late summer/early fall BBQ or outdoor party. What stinging insects should you be concerned about this fall? Here is some useful info regarding these pests from the Massachusetts pest control professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions. 

The New England wasps that we contend with include:

By the end of the summer, the hives that belong to these stinging insects are typically at capacity with fully grown insects that all need to be fed. Stinging insects will do more foraging in the fall, looking for sweets and anything they can find to feed their large colony. When populations of these insects are large, there is a greater chance they will come into contact with you and your family while they are searching for food. This is a problem because the stings of these insects are painful and some people suffer allergic reactions when stung by these pests.

At Big Blue Bug, we often get customers asking “are yellow jackets dangerous?” The fact is that these insects can be beneficial on your property with their pollinating and their preying on other bothersome insects, but when yellow jackets and other wasps become aggressive, they can pose a danger to you and your family. To anyone with a stinging insect allergy, it is absolutely essential to remove a stinging insect nest on your property.

Fortunately, there are exceptions. Giant wasps in Massachusetts (also known as cicada killers) don’t have a typical nest like most wasps; they are solitary insects. Cicada killers create burrows in the ground and then lure cicadas into these burrows; these are not typically dangerous stinging insects and are considered quite docile, even when handled directly (although we don’t recommend this!). Honey bees and bumblebees are also quite beneficial and are not known to become especially aggressive, but if there is a large bee hive on your property, bee removal may become necessary. 

Because yellow jackets and other wasps can become aggressive, their nests should be controlled when they are attached to your home, or in immediate proximity to your home. Yellow jackets are also known for sometimes building nests inside wall voids which can pose a serious threat to your family as well as your home’s structure. For complete stinging insect control, it is necessary to call in the pest control professionals.

For pest control in Worcester MA, Providence RI and throughout our service area, the pros at Big Blue Bug Solutions are at your service. We can help you get rid of stinging insect nests that are on your property (or within the walls of your home!) quickly and safely, without causing you or your family members to get stung. Our professionals have the tools and the experience necessary to get rid of these pests as well as many others that may become a problem for you this fall. Give us a call today to learn more about our residential pest control services and to find out what we can do to help you get rid of stinging insects on your property.
