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Help! Do These Pests Bite?

Millipedes In Worcester MA

At Big Blue Bug, our customer service representatives get a lot of calls from concerned folks about pests inside their homes. One of the most common questions we receive is “does it bite?!” If you have insects inside your home, the question on whether or not they bite may be one of your biggest worries, especially if you have young children. We don’t blame you - we don’t like getting bitten by bugs either! The New England pest control professionals at Big Blue Bug have a wealth of knowledge about biting (and non-biting pests) and along with our Technical Director Tony DeJesus, we can answer almost all your pest control questions! Here are some questions we’ve gotten lately in regards to what pests you have on your home or property will inflict a painful or itchy bite!

Do cockroaches bite? No, these pests do not typically bite. Having said that, there are documented cases of severe infestations of cockroaches where the large population finds food to be scarce, so they move on to attempt to feed on human flesh. They typically look to feed on fingernails, but this is an extreme rarity. The biggest concern with cockroaches is the diseases they spread! They pick up pathogens and bacteria in the dirty places they hang out (sewers, trash cans, toilets) and then can spread these germs to our food and our food prep surfaces.

Do millipedes bite? No, millipedes aren’t known to bite. But they can inflict pain another way! They defend themselves with a stinky liquid they ooze from their glands; this liquid is considered to be toxic to insects, spiders and even small animals! This liquid can also cause small blisters on your skin, especially if you try to handle these insects. For the most part, millipedes are a nuisance pest; they become a problem inside your home when they come in large groups.

Do carpenter ants bite? Yes, actually, carpenter ants have been known to bite. But their bite, although a little bit painful, isn’t known for spreading any serious diseases. The reason we’re concerned with carpenter ants is the damage they can cause to our homes. Because they nest inside wooden timbers, they will hollow out the wood beams that make our homes and businesses structurally sound. This can be a problem that goes unnoticed and will eventually become a severe infestation, causing expensive repairs to become necessary to keep your home from falling down around you.

Do yellow jackets bite? Yellow jackets don’t bite, per se, but they can sting and they can sting repeatedly! Especially when they become defensive of their nest and they are feeling threatened. Having a yellow jacket nest on your property (outdoors, or inside your walls- yikes!) is not a good situation and something you should not deal with on your own. These insects can deliver a very painful sting and because some individuals are allergic to their sting, professional control of these insects is highly recommended.

Do silverfish bite? No, silverfish do not bite. They are not known for transmitting any diseases and often they are more afraid of us than we are of them (which is demonstrated by their quick dash for cover when they are disturbed). Even though these pests are harmless to humans, they have been known to damage clothing, books, paper and even wallpaper or food in your cupboards! Having a large infestation of these nuisance pests is annoying and less than ideal; professional control can help lessen a silverfish infestation inside your New England property.

As you can see, some of these pests are concerning because of their bite or sting, while some can cause structural damage and others can spread diseases. Even just the ‘nuisance’ pests (like silverfish) can be a problem when they enter in large numbers. Preventing these pests from invading your property is the best way for you to not have any run-ins with these guys, but unfortunately that is not always possible. There are, however, a few pest prevention tips you must take to limit the number of pests you find inside your home. These include:

  • Reduce areas of moisture inside your home. Pests like silverfish thrive in moist environments and if your home is inhospitable to these pests, you are less likely to have a problem with them.
  • Eliminate possible pest entry points in your home’s exterior. This means closing up gaps or cracks in the foundation and fixing damaged window or door screens.
  • Make the environment around your home less hospitable to pests. Don’t leave clutter lying around your property and keep grass and other vegetation cut short.
  • Trim tree branches and shrubs back away from your home to eliminate ‘bridges’ that can allow pests to find your home more easily.
  • Install sodium vapor lighting in exterior lights to attract fewer insects and pests to your home.
  • Keep your home clean and de-cluttered; this can help you recognize a pest problem more quickly and have it remedied immediately, before an infestation gets out of hand.

For complete pest control in Worcester MA to get rid of all biting, non-biting, destructive, disease-spreading pests you may encounter inside your home, contact Big Blue Bug Solutions. Our pest control professional will be with you as soon as they can; they will identify your pest issue and then design a pest control program to treat the problem and help keep it from returning. We can even offer recommendations for environment modifications to keep these pests from thinking your home is such a great place to be. Give us a call today for more information on all our pest control services and to set up your first inspection.
