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Importance Of Pest Prevention In The New Year

Home Pest Control In MA

With the New Year almost here, thousands of people will make similar resolutions. Working out and dieting are great resolutions that will certainly make you feel better, but why not take this chance to resolve to protect your property, your pets, and your family? Why not resolve to keep your home pest free this year? If you happen to choose maintaining a pest free home as a resolution, then our RI and MA pest control pros at Big Blue Bug Solutions would like to offer a handful of simple things you yourself can do around your home to keep the pests out.

Something that is of the utmost importance is to not allow any types of pests to find food in your house. This means making sure any dropped or spilled food or crumbs are quickly cleaned up, as well as cleaning any dirty dishes sitting in the sink. Make sure that any food kept in the pantry is stored in plastic or glass containers that have a lid. By keeping food sources concealed, pests will not have much reason to reside in your home. Not to mention, you eliminate the risk of rodents, roaches and other kitchen pests from spreading disease and bacteria through the kitchen and home.

Similarly, when storing items in attics, basements, or storage closets try to use plastic totes, so that rodents won't be able to chew on the cardboard, as well as use it to make a nest. Also, try to stack the totes away from the walls, and keep these areas cleaned as much as possible. This prevents giving pests a place to hide and prevents them from building nests or webs. Anytime you can prevent damage to the structures of the home or your belongings, you are in good shape!

But if you want to truly give yourself the best possible protection against invasive pests, we recommend signing up for a year round pest control plan. With year round treatments, you can rest easy knowing that your home and family are protected from the threats of pests. Call Big Blue Bug Solutions for information on pest control in Worcester and Framingham, MA as well as throughout Rhode Island.
