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How To Enjoy The Holidays Without Pests

Holiday Pest Control Tips

With Christmas just over 3 weeks away, there is still a lot of preparation that must be done. With all the baking, gift shopping, planning and wrapping that still needs doing, who has time to deal with pests? The New England pest control professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions do! But there is a good chance that you don’t have time to be dealing with pests like the saw toothed grain beetle, the German cockroach or the house mouse, especially on your own. Because we know that this should be a season of enjoying family and friends and not fighting with pests, we’ve come up with a few helpful tips to keep your Worcester and Framingham MA homes and kitchens free from bothersome pests. Follow these tips and you should spend far less time dealing with pests and more time enjoying the season!

  1. Never leave dirty dishes in the sink and especially not for extended periods of time (like overnight!).
  2. Take out the trash regularly so that it doesn’t have a chance to attract the types of cockroaches that live in our homes.
  3. Regularly clean your pantry and kitchen cupboards as well as your kitchen counters, floors and appliances. Pay special attention to grease buildup and areas between and behind appliances.
  4. Remove any food from your pantry that is outdated; carefully examine flour, sugar and other pantry staples to locate pantry pests. If you should find these pests, place the infested product in the freezer and once frozen, dispose of it outside.
  5. Never leave food out on countertops; rodents and cockroaches will devour it while you are not looking. Store food in airtight containers or in the fridge.

These helpful tips should help reduce the possibility of your home being overtaken by rodents, pantry pests, cockroaches and other holiday pest invaders. If you’ve followed our advice to a T and you are still having pest troubles, please give us a call! We can help eliminate your current pest problem with a one-time service or you can choose to use us for your year round pest prevention and control services! Our Home Owner’s Policy (HOP, for short) covers most of the common pests you will encounter in your Rhode Island home. This program consists of three visits throughout the year, preventative treatments and ongoing monitoring of areas in your home that are especially susceptible to pest invasions. If you should detect a pest problem between visits, we will come to you for free!

For mice control, cockroach control, pantry pest control or any other pest control service you need, don’t hesitate to contact the friendly professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions. With more than 75 years of experience in the pest control industry, we are a family owned and operated New England pest control company that cares about you; contact us today for more information on how we can help you maintain a pest free home any time of the year.
