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dessert recipe without pantry pests

indian meal moths in baking materials

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which means it is time for the holiday parties to begin. It’s not all that uncommon in the midst of the busy party season to forget about a holiday gathering until the day of. But no worries, there are plenty of easy and simple recipes that you can throw together last minute like this two ingredient pumpkin cake recipe.


  • 1 package of spice cake mix
  • 1 can pumpkin


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9x13 inch pan.
  2. Mix together the spice cake mix and the canned pumpkin, spread into the pan.
  3. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes and then allow to cool before serving.

For more information on this recipe, click here.

While the recipe above is quite simple and does not require many pantry items, we’d still like to remind you that if you are not careful when baking, you may include a pest or two in your mixing bowl. As you are rushing through the pantry and kitchen cupboards trying to find all the ingredients that you need, make sure that you are on the lookout for an ingredient that will not please those who are eating your dessert. Pantry pests including the common offender, the Indian meal moth, can be found in many common kitchen staples.

  • Flour
  • Nuts
  • Raisins
  • Dog food
  • And more

The best way to avoid any run ins with pantry pests is to be sure that when you are grocery shopping, pay close attention to all of the packaged foods you are tossing into the cart. If there are damages to the packaging you should not purchase the item, as there are often holes in damaged packages, which makes it easy for Indian meal moths to get inside and lay eggs. Also, make sure that before you begin your holiday baking, check through the cupboards and toss any goods that are past their date and properly seal the food that is already open.

If you believe that your baking supplies or other kitchen materials have been infested with pantry pests, be sure to contact the Providence exterminators at Big Blue Bug Solutions to help with your pantry pest infestation. In addition to Providence, we also provide home and business pest solutions for those in Barrington and throughout Rhode Island as well as parts of Massachusetts including Shrewsbury, and Connecticut.

For a pest free holiday and pest free baking, be sure to call the pros at Big Blue Bug Solutions!